195/366 We re-cycle too!

Our local council encourages everyone to re-cycle and unlike other areas they do not provide a wheelie bin. We are encouraged to sort the rubbish and put paper and thin card into a pink sack, yogurt pots, milk/juice cartons, plastic trays, foil and other recyclable plastic into a purple sack.
Thick card, grass cuttings and other garden refuse are put into a heavy duty green bag. Food waste is put into a small caddy that you line with a compostable bag and keep in the kitchen. When full these bags are placed in a blue bin. All this is collected once a week and anything left is placed in a ‘black bag’ and collected fortnightly.

There are plenty of people that complain about rubbish being collected every two weeks but in fact anything that needs to collected every two weeks would not be perishable anyway. When you get into the habit of sorting your rubbish it really doesn’t take long. We put all paper/thin card into a box under the sink alongside the food waste caddy and everything else is put into the kitchen bin. When that’s full it’s taken to the side of the garage and put into our big dustbin. At the end of the week Hubby sorts it into the relevant sacks and places by the gate ready for the refuse collectors the next morning. It takes no longer than 20 minutes and often a lot less.

Check out my other Project 366 pictures so far.

If you’d like to read more about the project please click on the 366 badge over there on the right.

2 comments on “195/366 We re-cycle too!

  1. give me by bins any day, just throw the stuff into the relevant bin and shut the lid. Not sure on their logic of some of it as we noe recycle glass along with paper, plastic, etc. It must get smashed up and then some poor soul has to sort it., was much more sensible when it was totally separate

    • Sue says:

      Aye, it a chore at first and we didn’t really bother, but then they dropped off the pink and purple bags with a great leaflet of what goes where and we were hooked after that.

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